The National Code Complaints Process can handle complaints about breaches of the National Code.

The National Code is split into sections which include the following:

Section 1  Accommodation Providers should conduct their business “in a professional, courteous and diligent manner at all times”  

Section 2  Equality and Diversity

Section 3  Prior to Occupancy

        • Marketing and the accuracy of property details
        • Tenancy Agreements / Contracts
        • Wifi
        • Late construction 

Section 4  During Occupancy

        • Access notification
        • Repairs and maintenance – including repair timescales
        • Facilities (Bedrooms, Kitchen, Bathrooms, etc)
        • Post / Parcel Deliveries

Section 5  Health and Wellbeing

Section 6  Health and Safety

        • Hazards
        • Fire safety
        • Building Security
        • Environment
        • Lifts 

Section 8  Deposits

Section 9  Handling Disputes / Complaints

It is not within the remit of the National Code Complaints Process to intervene in the following:

    • Legal disputes pertaining to matters of Law, such as Contracts, Rent and Compensation

If your complaint concerns legal matters, eg Contracts, Rent and Compensation, we would recommend you get some legal advice. Your Student’s Union or Citizens’ Advice Bureau may be able to give some free legal advice.

Generally, complaints procedures cannot be used in situations where the courts have already become involved, where police action is pending or a criminal charge has been laid.

    • Disputes concerning deposit deductions 

If you wish to disputes a deductions from your deposit, you should raise this via the company who protects your deposit.