The 12th annual Joint Codes Conference was held on 11th November at the British Library, London and was themed around 'Collaboration, Cooperation and Communication'

The recordings from each session are now available to view below:

Wellbeing concerns and Sharing Student Data – Improving Co-operation between Universities and Private Providers - A Panel Discussion

Working with PBSA Suppliers: A Collaborative Approach

Dealing with National Code Complaints, What have we learned during the pandemic and what is coming through now?

Changes to the Code for Non-Educational Establishments, including no-quibble payments

Helping out with an Accommodation Crisis: A Case Study from York and Hull

The UK Town and Gowns Association: An Example of Effective Multi-Agency Co-Operation

How Communication can change what you think and what you do

Closing Remarks – Robin Walsh, Head of Residential Services, University of Bournemouth and Director for Housing Codes and Standards, CUBO