National Codes Newsletter - April & May 2021 Unipol Training & Events Programme – Mental Health First Aid Training & the UK Student Accommodation Forum There are still spaces available on our upcoming event: UK Student Accommodation Forum – If Students are Here, What are They Doing? Evidence and research on occupancy levels shows that many students will continue to live in their University towns and cities. In this post-exam phase with little teaching, what will they doing, and are Universities and Students Unions’ gearing up to provide events and facilities that will try and replace what these students missed back in in October 2021 – or will this just be informal partying and boredom as term fizzles out? All UK Student Accommodation Forum events are recorded and uploaded to our website for public viewing after the event has taken place. Recordings of previous events can be accessed on the UK Student Accommodation Forum section of Unipol website. Unipol Training and Events will shortly be adding some more scheduled Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) courses to the website. However, we can also offer this at a discounted rate for in-house training, for a maximum of 12 delegates per session. If this is of interest, please contact [email protected] for more information. Complaints Overview Since the start of 2021, the National Code has received 164 complaints. With complaints seemingly slowing down, we wish to thank all providers in their efforts made to address concerns raised through the Codes complaints process, and putting significant resource into this area. Current Complaints Data (2020/2021) 2020 Number of Complaints July 36 August 26 September 15 October 27 November 22 December 18 2021 January 28 February 79 March 49 April (to 9th) 8 TOTAL 308 More information on complaints data can be found on the National Code website. Citywide Visits 2021 – Location Confirmed Following the announcement of the Governments plans for the easing of lockdown, this years City-wide visits in June will take place in Bristol. The visits will focus on a small number of issues selected by the National Codes Team, as opposed to in-depth verifications, which enables the verification teams to visit as many sites as possible over two days. There are 15 Code members currently operating 38 sites in the Bristol area. National Code Occupancy Levels Research The National Code has undertaken a secondary piece of research for the Department for Education and the Office for National Statistics on current occupancy levels in PBSA nationally. This information has now been submitted to the Government, and will assist in forming the approach to bringing students back on to campus and face-to-face teaching. We would like to thanks the 15 providers who kindly co-operated with our request for data. Outcomes of Verification Visits Cycle 2020 We appreciate there is a great deal to prepare for in advance of a Code visit. For many those visits can result in little or no follow up being required. But where issues are found they all so often fall into just a few categories. The team have collated information covering 2020 and that is summarised below. Spending a few extra minutes reviewing the areas where it seems there are most likely to be gaps in the information being provided will save you and our verifiers much time. During and after the visit - and so time well spent. Section Title SAQ Question/Number Subject Number visits Cited %age Total Visits Health & Safety 6.13 Fire safety 92 49 6.00 Hazards 36 20 6.32 Legionella 18 18 6.23 Security plan 33 11 6.29 Lifts 20 9 6.34 Waste 17 9 6.50 Electrical installations 17 8 6.14 Fire alarm testing 15 8 6.12 Fire safety provisions 11 6 Total number visits cited 259 Marketing Prior to Letting 3.16 WiFi bandwidth 22 22 3.15 WiFi provision 18 10 3.90 Code membership displayed 13 7 3.14 WiFi included in price? 13 7 Total number visits cited 66 Tenant Satisfaction 5.00 Satisfaction survey 22 12 5.12 Residents aware of Code 14 8 5.13 Tenants rating of provider 12 6 Total number visits cited 48 During the tenancy 4.0 HMO licences 16 9 4.8 No internal fining system 13 7 Total number visits cited 29 Equality & Diversity 2.3 Staff trained in subject 23 12 Total number visits cited 23 General Requirements 1.3 Managers completed online training 16 9 Total number visits cited 16 Mailing List – Sign up on the National Code Website To receive the National Code Newsletter notification directly, and for information on upcoming events such as the Student Accommodation Forum, please head to the National Code website, and sign up for our mailing list at the bottom of the page.