New Self-Assessment Questionnaire Platform Launched The National Code has launched a new Self-Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ) today, the result of a year long project. Over the past 12 months, Unipol has worked alongside external consultants, web developers and internal colleagues to bring a brand new SAQ platform to life, which includes the ability for members to manage their membership details and verification visits within one space. A new option to upload all relevant Fire Risk Asssessments for building over 18 metres has been added, to ensure members can store this information centrally for reference by the National Code team. With regards to verification, the process has been divided into two parts. The first, called the Organisational Self Assessment Questionnaire (OSAQ), will need to be completed by all members once every three years as it relates to compliance with aspects of the Code that are concerned with the providers overall management procedures. All new applicants for membership of the Non-Educational Establishment Code (from January 23rd 2023) will also be required to complete this SAQ. The second SAQ relates specifically to buildings and is called the Site Self Assessment Questionnaire (SSAQ). Members of the Code for Non Educational Establishments will need to complete and submit an SSAQ ahead of each verification visits, specifically for the development that is to be visited. Each of the SAQs asks a series of questions covering the nine different sections of the Code for Non-Educational Establishments, and respondents are able to upload relevant documents to support their responses to certain questions. The system is currently only for use by members of the Non-educational Code, however it is anticipated that members (and applicants for) of the Educational Establishment Code will be required to undertake the self assessment process in the same way as from 2024, but until then the existing (single) SAQ system will apply to them. All members of the Non-educational Code are reminded that building lists and the OSAQ must be completed by 28th February 2023.