Unipol Training Events Re: Unipol Training - Affordability and Late Buildings Aside from health and safety, these two issues have dominated the purpose built student accommodation (PBSA) agenda and Unipol has put together two seminars to explore and inform future debate and strategic planning. Both seminars cover areas that will continue to grow in importance within the National Codes. If you cannot attend please circulate this to relevant colleagues. The first seminar is on Wednesday 27th November 2019 Affordability in Student Housing - What Does it Mean for Students, Providers, Developers and Policy Makers and I being held in conjunction with the University of London at Garden Halls, Malet Street, London, WC1E 7HU The day will look at both the concepts and actuality of affordability and further details and booking can be found at https://www.unipol.org.uk/event/details/affordability-in-student-housing-what-does-it-mean The second seminar is on Friday 6th December 2019 Dealing with Late Buildings in Purpose Built Student Accommodation - How to Handle the Consumer End also held in central London (venue to be confirmed). Over 30% of all PBSA new buildings were late this summer and this day will look at how best to handle the consumer issues that arise. The day will also look at the National Codes compliance in these circumstances and will also have the benefit of the independent ANUK/Unipol investigation into how late buildings were handled across a range of suppliers and institutions and what lessons can be learnt from that. Further details and books can be found at https://www.unipol.org.uk/event/details/late-buildings-what-to-look-out-for-and-what-it-me Both of these will encourage delegate participation and should be stimulating and challenging designed to assist those working within the student housing sector.