Aims and objectives

The Committee of Management (CoM) is the operational body for the Codes and has overall operational responsibility for their functioning.

Terms of reference


  • appoint a Chair and Deputy Chair of the CoM who shall serve a term of three years and who can be removed by a two-thirds majority vote of the CoM
  • appoint the Tribunal membership, excluding the Chair and two Vice Chairs, which shall serve for three years and which can be removed by a two-thirds majority vote of the CoM
  • review the Codes from time to time and make recommendations to the Consortium on changes to them
  • approve the operational framework within which the Codes work, deciding on how membership is to take effect and how to publicise the Codes to both owners and tenants
  • commission and approve an Annual Report to be presented to the Government (currently the Department for Levelling Up Housing and Communities) on the operation and development of the Codes
  • receive an annual report on the financial viability of the Codes
  • establish any special task groups to address and consider any issues or concerns it has in managing and developing the Codes.


The current membership profile is as follows:

One representative nominated by each of the following organisations:

  • Association of Colleges  (AOC)
  • The UK Student Services Organisation (AMOSSHE)
  • Association of Student Residential Accommodation (ASRA)
  • College and University Business Officers (CUBO)
  • Department for Levelling Up Housing and Communities (DLUHC)
  • UniversitiesUK

Two members from each of

  • Accreditation Network UK (ANUK)
  • Unipol
  • National Union of Students (NUS)

One member nominated from any supplier or manager with 2,000 or more bed spaces covered by the Codes

Six others to be elected from members with fewer than 2,000 bed spaces - 4 from members of the Code for Non-Educational Establishments and 2 from the Code for Educational Establishments.

The CoM shall normally meet not less than twice a year. The quorum is five.

The current membership is:


Deputy Chair
Ian Fletcher

Nominated organisations
Association of Colleges  (AOC) - TBC
The UK Student Services Organisation (AMOSSHE) - Emma Bales
Association of Student Residential Accommodation (ASRA) - Sarah Reynolds
College and University Business Officers (CUBO) - Robin Walsh
Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) - William Tandoh
UUK - Mark Swales,Trudy Williams, and TBC

Consortium members
Accreditation Network UK (ANUK) - Linda Cobb and Ian Fletcher
National Union of Students (NUS)  - TBC and a vacancy
Unipol Student Homes - Paddy Jackman and Ian Robertson

One member nominated from any owner with 3,000 or more bed spaces covered by the Codes:
Abodus - Katherine Austin
Aparto Student - TBC
Cambridge Colleges - Wendy Evans
Campus Living Villages - Simon Dickinson
Cloud Students - Jennifer Courtliff
Collegiate AC - Michelle Gardner
Corporate Residential Management Limited (CRM)  - Tracy Stanton
Downing Students - Tariq Akbar
Dwell Student - Andrea Seddon
Fresh - Jane Crouch
Hello Student - Matt Robinson
Homes for Students - Simon West
Host - Samantha Hollix
IQ Student Accommodation Services Ltd - Sarah Cowing
Kexgill - Richard Stott
Mezzino - TBC
Novel Student - Michelle Singleton
Sanctuary Students - Paul Hardy
Scape - Neil Smith
Southern Housing - Linh Hawke
Student Castle - Alan Baird
Student Living at Sodexo - Suzanne Hirst
Student Roost - John Ford
Unite - David Marr
UPP Projects Ltd- Billy Sutch
University of Hertfordshire - Diane Kendrick
University of Leeds - Sue Green
Urbanest - Simon Hedley
Vita Student - Georgina Weir
Yugo - Simon Griffiths

Co-opted members
Nicola Dean - Mansion Student
Allan Hilton - Affordable Student Accommodation
Chris Kemp - Guy Chester Centre

Click here to view the minutes of the CoM.

Committee of Management Standing Orders

The Chair
The Chair is appointed for a period of three years by the CoM. The post is remunerated at a rate agreed by the Committee within the budgetary process. The rate of remuneration is confidential. The Chair cannot be a representative of an accommodation supplier and, ideally, should be independent of all suppliers, although knowledge of the student housing market, its standards and practices is vital.

Every meeting must have a Chair. The Chair's duties are to ensure that the meeting is conducted in such a way that the business for which it was convened is properly attended to. This includes preserving order and ensuring that the meeting does not get bogged down and thereby does not have time to conclude its business. On the other hand the Chair must ensure that all those entitled to do so may express their views and that the decisions taken by the meeting adequately reflect the views of the meeting as a whole.

The Chair decides upon the agenda and may sign off the minutes on his or her own authority.

The Chair's authority and responsibility in connection with meetings mean that his or her position is one of great influence. The Chair also has considerable authority outside meetings because they are seen as the spokesperson for the Committee and are seen as representing the Committee to outside bodies.

The Chair is the first point of reference for any investigation of complaints made against Unipol or any provider whose representative is nominated and sits as a member of the Tribunal as a Vice-Chair.

The Chair may be given additional authority by the Committee in certain areas either by a specific decision of the Committee or by accepted custom and practice.

In the event that the Chair is indisposed or cannot attend a meeting then the Deputy Chair will be required to step in.

Attendance of existing members
This Standing Order was agreed by the Committee of Management on 2 March 2007. Members missing three consecutive meetings should be asked to attend the next meeting and, if they fail to do this, they are deemed to have resigned. After this resignation they cannot serve or be nominated on to the CoM for three years from the date of that meeting. If the member concerned is nominated as a representative of a provider, that organisation shall be invited to nominate a new member.

The NCA is charged with writing to the member concerned, drawing their attention to their absences and stating that unless they attend the next meeting they will be deemed to have resigned.

Substitutes at meetings
This Standing Order was agreed by the CoM on 2 March 2007. In the case of members nominated by providers any substitutes shall be given a full role on the CoM so long as they are named by the nominating body as carrying such status and that the National Codes Administrator is informed of this in writing (including by email) not less than 48 hours before the meeting. Failing this, any substitute shall have visitor status and have speaking rights only at the gift of the Chair.

In the case of individual members (defined as not nominated by an accommodation provider), no substitutes are acceptable but visitor status can be requested from the NCA so long as this request is made not less than 48 hours before the meeting. The Chair will decide whether to grant visitor status.